Welcome to Transparent For Christ Movement

Transparent For Christ Movement (TFCM) is an international, discipleship-based ministry, founded by Davon “Transparent” Johnson in 2009. Transparent For Christ Movement exists primarily to educate the public on human gender and sexuality from a biblical perspective, and to lead individuals from a place of sexual brokenness to wholeness through the person of Jesus Christ.

For over a decade, Transparent For Christ Movement has been invited to facilitate topical discussions at college ministry events, church conferences, retreats and more. TFCM’s founder — a voice for the voiceless — features on diverse platforms, such as talk shows, live radio, podcasts, film, and Q&A panels to candidly share his journey of overcoming sexual identity confusion and trauma — setting a precedent for others to boldly come forth and share their stories.

Transparent For Christ Movement offers one-on-one mentorship, online community support (for single and married men), and in-person LifeGroups in select locations around the world.




(The Goal): To take a stand against sexual immorality and to minister a revival of purity and holiness before the Lord–To witness freedom to those who struggle with sexual addiction, sexual and gender identity confusion, and sexual brokenness.


(The Plan): To create a safe space–through transparency–whereby those who are internally battling with sin can gain hope, strength and courage to “come out” of the condemning darkness, deception and bondage of Satan and into the marvelous light, truth and liberty found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.



Transparent For Christ Movement is committed to proclaiming the Gospel of a transformed life in Christ to those who are struggling with sexual sin. In supporting Transparent For Christ Movement, you are supporting evangelism, outreach, community fellowship, and discipleship across the world. We would not be able to make the impact we’re making without your help. Please consider partnering with us today at the link below.

** Transparent For Christ Movement is unincorporated, so your donations will not be tax deductible. All donations are considered personal gifts to Davon Johnson.






TFCM hosts bi-monthly Zoom meetings every 2nd and 4th Saturday to engage men from all over the world in different topics related to faith, sexual purity and developing healthy relationships. Meetings are held from 12 pm – 2 pm EDT. Check for your local time zone here

Contact us for the Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode to join.



EX-Homosexual Testimonies
EX-Lesbian Testimonies
EX-Transgender Testimonies
EX-Porn Addict Testimonies
EX-Masturbator Testimonies
Sex Abuse Survivor Testimonies



During today’s #RealTalkSeries on Zoom with Transparent For Christ: Men’s Group, we discussed the topic of “Surrender.” Surrender: to cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority. A surrender may be accomplished peacefully or it may be the result of defeat in battle. An analogy was…

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Spiritual Food

I just saw a homeless man standing on the side of a four-way intersection with a sign saying “Please help. God bless.” I was unable to stop on the side of the street to give him any money because traffic was moving fast. So I pulled over into a nearby…

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5 Solas

Grace is a gift. Righteousness is a position. Sanctification is a process. Holiness is a lifestyle. We are saved by grace through faith, not by works, lest any man shall boast. Ephesians 2:8 Grace is a gift. There’s nothing you need to do to earn it. You literally just receive…

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Check out our “Transparent For Christ” t-shirt collection exclusively on Integrity By Design, Inc.


Rating: 5 out of 5.


Will Fonch | Founder, INK Season

“I have known Davon for some years now and he has been nothing short of a blessing to my ministry, my wife or me personally. He really exemplifies what it means to be Transparent for Christ in the way he has been a brother in very dark moments for me. Whether it was our marriages, our testimonies from pornography, or our current walks with Jesus, he is definitely someone that I can confide and trust in for everything.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Pastor DL Foster | Founder, The Overcomers Network

“Working ‘in ministry’ isn’t easy and it never has been. That’s why I have the highest respect and appreciation for Davon Johnson. I’ve worked with him for over 5 years. His compassion for the lost, courage, enthusiasm, bold faith, love for God’s word and gift for evangelism are what set him apart from others. Specifically, he’s worked with me in the Overcomers Network as a leader. Davon has a God given ability to inspire others and I’ve always seen him point people to Jesus and the cross.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Passionate for Souls”

Jarrad Miller Sr. | Founder, God Over Porn

“It is truly a blessing to be able to know this brother. What I believe connected Davon and me was our passion to see souls set free from the chains of sin and the enemy, and seeing the work that the Lord is doing through this vessel is truly amazing. Here is a man who walks in humility before God, loves his wife and has remained faithful in ministry. I couldn’t ask for a better friend and brother to co-labor in the Gospel with!”

Has this ministry been a blessing to you? We want to hear your story! Send us a message to receive an opportunity for your testimony to be featured on this page or on our social media.