5 Solas

Grace is a gift.

Righteousness is a position.

Sanctification is a process.

Holiness is a lifestyle.

We are saved by grace through faith, not by works, lest any man shall boast. Ephesians 2:8

Grace is a gift. There’s nothing you need to do to earn it. You literally just receive the gift by faith. It’s given freely, without merit. That’s called favor!

Righteousness is a position / state of being. You don’t do any religious works to attain it. It is accredited/imputed to you once you put your faith in Jesus and in his finished Work on the cross. Because true righteousness is received by faith, that’s why our self righteous works are as filthy rags. We do not earn righteousness. We are justified or declared righteous. Otherwise, we’d be able to brag that we had a role to play in it. And that would steal glory from God.

Sanctification is a process. But this again is not something you work on your own. This is something that God works in and through your life via the Holy Spirit who lives in you. All you have to do is yield to His Spirit as he convicts, corrects, chastises, cultivates and challenges you to bear fruit.

Holiness is a lifestyle. You live this out every day. It is motivated by your love for God and reverential obedience to his Word. This love for God and desire to obey him, however, is also something that doesn’t originate from your own will. God places the love and desire to serve him in your heart through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).

As you go throughout your Christian journey, working out your soul salvation, never put confidence in yourself. Rather, trust in Christ and His word alone. Philippians 1:6 says to be confident in this very thing: that God is faithful to complete the good work he’s started in you all the way up to the day of Christ’s return…. It’s not you. It’s all Him!

Sola Gratia (By Grace alone)
Sola Fide (By Faith alone)
Solus Christus (By Christ alone)
Sola Scriptura (By Scripture alone)
Soli Deo Gloria (To the glory of God alone)

Questions. Comments. Concerns.