During the March 13, 2023 episode of #RealTalkSeries on Zoom with Transparent For Christ: Men’s Group, we discussed the topic of “Fatherlessness and Homosexuality” and the possible correlation between the two.

For the brothers who joined this meeting and grew up with a physically absent or emotionally absent father, they shared that they:

  1. ) developed a contempt/hatred for masculinity (because of how their father presented it to them–being aggressive, abusive, or neglectful of them). On the other hand, they saw strength and safety in femininity (because of how their mother was able to nurture them and carry the load without her husband). Therefore, these brothers wanted nothing to do with masculinity and chose to emulate effeminate traits over masculine traits, which eventually lead to homosexuality.
  2. ) lacked the love and affirmation of a father and began to search for love and attention in other men to fulfill the void, which started out as an innocent search, but was perverted in the process, leading to homosexuality.


On the other side of the conversation, there were some brothers in the meeting who grew up without a father, but they did not attribute fatherlessness as a factor in their homosexuality or effeminacy, but rather blamed it on other factors such as:

  1. ) Sexual abuse and grooming from other homosexual males
  2. ) Curiosity, as influenced by the wide acceptance of homosexuality in the culture
  3. ) Desensitization by LGBT programming on TV
  4. ) Spiritual influences / demonic play
  5. ) Generational cycles in the family bloodline

These brothers said that even if they had a present, active, and loving father, they believe they would have still ended up homosexual or effeminate because of these other factors.


Still, there were brothers who grew up without a father, but it did not lead to homosexual or effeminate inclinations because there were other protective factors that prevented it:

  1. ) Presence of other healthy male figures or role models – Uncles, male cousins, coaches or friends
  2. ) A desire to be everything that their father wasn’t — i.e. a family man, a healthy example of masculinity, etc.
  3. ) A stronger desire to be with females


Everyone had a different outlook on the topic. We concluded from the conversation that although fatherlessness can contribute to factors leading to effeminacy or homosexuality, it is not always the case for every individual, therefore it cannot be deemed an absolute cause. Circumstances leading to homosexuality are relative and based on the individual and how they process their personal life experiences.

This was a great real talk convo, where everyone’s perspective and experiences with the topic was respected.


If you have ever dealt with fatherlessness, how did it affect your sexuality?

Questions. Comments. Concerns.